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Sunmark 100% Lamb'S Wool Padding

Consumer DescriptionSunmark 100% Lamb's Wool Padding
Mfr/Supplier Part #531
Size0.37 OZ
Lamb's Wool protects tender areas between toes and soft corns. It separates toes to relieve pressure while allowing air to reach affected parts.
For corns on top of toes, wrap Lamb's Wool over the corn and around the toe. For soft corns in web of toes, place small amount of Lamb's Wool between toes just forward of corns. For soft corns on inner side of toe, wrap Lamb's Wool around the unaffected toe. This separates toes and prevents pressure on painful area.
100% Lamb's Wool
If you have diabetes or poor blood circulation, please consult your doctor or podiatrist before using this product.

This item is manufactured by a Small Business
More Information
Consumer DescriptionSunmark 100% Lamb's Wool Padding
Ingredients100% Lamb's Wool
WarningsIf you have diabetes or poor blood circulation, please consult your doctor or podiatrist before using this product.
IndicationsLamb's Wool protects tender areas between toes and soft corns. It separates toes to relieve pressure while allowing air to reach affected parts.
DirectionsFor corns on top of toes, wrap Lamb's Wool over the corn and around the toe. For soft corns in web of toes, place small amount of Lamb's Wool between toes just forward of corns. For soft corns on inner side of toe, wrap Lamb's Wool around the unaffected toe. This separates toes and prevents pressure on painful area.